31 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
Minor Snippets, Jorge Garcia, Matthew Fox and Rob McElhenney
The first is regarding Jorge mentioning, in a post over at the Fuselage, that he is looking forward to some upcoming scenes with Matthew Fox that they are preparing to film. No more details that that I'm afraid.
The second is shown below for a recent Ask Ausiello chat.
Question: Gasp! I love you, Michael, but I'm extremely worried about you. You wasted your energy answering two questions about One Tree Hill in last week's column, and you didn't even mention Lost once! I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.— Nora
Ausiello: Imagine how I felt. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since that column ran last Wednesday. The good news? Order has been restored to the universe and, to prove it, here's a little Lost prattle: As you know, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Rob McElhenney did a small role last season as an Other. Well, here's what you don't know: The scene where Julie rifle-butted him in the head was not the last we were supposed to see of him. He was slated to appear in the May finale in some kind of big Others scene, but he was unavailable due to his Philadelphia sked. If I had a gambling problem, I'd bet my firstborn that we'll see him again.
30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe
Which of the new cast are you most excited about? lost

Jeff Fahey (Silverado, Planet Terror)
Lance Reddick (Oz, The Wire)
Ken Leung (X-Men: The Last Stand, The Sopranos)
Rebecca Mader (Justice, The Devil Wears Prada)
Jeremy Davies (Rescue Me, Solaris, Dogville)
'Lost': Five Fresh Faces
Earlier this week, we brought you the news that Grindhouse actor Jeff Fahey was one of five new actors joining the cast of Lost next season. (Estimated premiere date: February 2008.) The others: Jeremy Davies (Saving Private Ryan), Lance Reddick (The Wire), Ken Leung (The Sopranos), and British actress Rebecca Mader (The Devil Wears Prada, Love Monkey). Exec producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were gracious enough to take time from writing the new season to speak with us about their new hires.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Before we go any further, let's clarify some things here. Are these new cast members series regulars or recurring players?
DAMON LINDELOF: None of these guys are doing just one episode. Some of the arcs are staggered over the course of the season, some are intensive at the start of the season and may or may not continue, some of them have potential regular status in future seasons — we don't want to divulge which is which, because frankly, the actors themselves don't know.
Gotcha. Now, another thing: Over the past couple weeks, we've seen casting call descriptions of some of the characters you're casting — there's ''Russell,'' a ''brilliant mathematician,'' and ''Charlotte,'' a ''successful academic,'' and ''Arthur Stevens,'' a ''ruthless corporate recruiter.'' Are these accurate names or summaries? Because I've been told that they are not to be taken at face value, and really only serve as rough ideas of what you want.
DL: Your assessment is more or less correct, though I'd rather not say how much more or how much less.
CARLTON CUSE: We actually [have] the actors read fake [scenes] and give them fake character names because those casting [pages] travel so widely, there's no way to maintain secrecy. So we basically have to come up with fake but analogous scenes that will show us qualities of an actor but won't give away what the role is. So yes, the stuff out there is not totally accurate.
DL: In fact, only one of the character names that has gotten out there is literally accurate.
Gotcha. Moving on. Why did you cast Ken Leung?
DL: Literally, the morning after his episode of The Sopranos aired, I said to Carlton, ''Have you seen that episode? There's an actor on this show — I'm not going to tell you who he is — and I wonder if he has the same impression on you that he had on me.'' The next morning, Carlton came in and he had seen the episode and said, ''Ken Leung?'' And I said, ''Bingo.'' We were still [in post-production] on the finale when that aired, in mid-May, so we immediately did an outreach to his people, and we found out he was a New York actor, and that he was getting a lot of interest. So when we came back from our hiatus, we called and luckily he was available and interested. The part he's playing — it's a character we wrote very specifically for Ken. Nobody else read for it. It had to be him.
CC: In fact, given the construct of the character, it wouldn't have been the same if we didn't have him in the show. It is so specifically geared to what we thought he could do as an actor [that] if he had said no, we would have had to scrap the character and rewrite him and come up with a different one.
As I'm a fan of The Wire, I dig Lance Reddick. Why did you want him?
CC: We had been interested in Lance back when we were casting the Mr. Eko part, but he was unavailable due to The Wire. That's how we started circling around Adewale [Akinnuoye-Agbaje, who ultimately took the role]. When a window of opportunity arose after the recent season of The Wire, we jumped on it, with a part that seemed right for his complete focus and intensity.
I have no corroboration for this, because I'm a crappy-ass reporter. However, according to what I've read on the Web, the casting-call description for the character that you've allegedly cast Lance for — this ''ruthless corporate recruiter'' — is pretty similar to the one you reportedly used to cast Richard Alpert, the character played last season by Nestor Carbonell, who is now a series regular on the new CBS drama Cane. This had led many to wonder if Lance is essentially filling the void left by Nestor. True?
DL: Around here at the Lost offices, ''corporate recruiter'' means something entirely different than corporate recruiter. Let's just say that part of the character's skill set is coercion. If people are reading into that that he is an Other, or has the same job as Alpert, we would encourage that speculation, but we wouldn't confirm or deny it.
Okay. How about Rebecca Mader? I have to admit, my pop culture ignorance is such that I have no idea who this person is. Who is she, and why did you like her?
CC: She is a beautiful young British actress. We auditioned actors for this part, but she won us over with her charm and presence and charisma. People compare her to a young Nicole Kidman — she has that strength, beauty, effervescence, and accessibility.
DL: What was really cool about Rebecca's [audition] read was, she did it on tape, but the producer who was with her asked her, ''All these things on your résumé are from the BBC — are you British?'' She said yes, and we asked her to read it again, this time as a Brit, and it opened up another dimension we hadn't foreseen. Now she's English.
So her Lost character is English?
DL: Now she is.
Jeremy Davies. Why?
CC: He's one of those incredible opportunities. He's a guy who only does movies, and for him to do a part in our series, it was exciting. He's one of our favorite character actors — a complete chameleon. We both really responded to what he did in Solaris; the way he spun that character was engaging.
DL: He's a real actor's actor — there's an intelligence you glean from this guy. He's usually the smartest guy in the room in any part he plays — that transformative quality, plus the tremendous intelligence that seems to emanate from him, sort of seemed perfect for this particular character.
Finally, Jeff Fahey. Why him?
CC: The Lawnmower Man and The Marshall [a 1995 TV series starring Fahey] are personal faves. And he has the most intense eyes of any guy out there, and I say that as a non-gay man.
DL: Fahey is one of those actors who feels like he fits into the Lost model: He's enormously talented and will be vaguely recognizable to some people, but he'll be able to land on our island without most people going, 'Oh, I know who that guy is.' And especially for the part we cast him for, he has exactly the right sensibilities. He's got a very interesting personal life. He's not a professional actor, per se. He acts, but he has a whole other ballgame going on.
What kind of other thing?
CC: He's been running an orphanage in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Are you kidding?
CC and DL: No.
DL: When Carlton called him to offer him the part—
CC: —he was in Caracas, Venezuela, using the same model to set up an orphanage there.
Amazing. Something to follow up on. On a slightly more superficial front, the most recent pics of Fahey have him sporting a very bushy beard. Are you going to have him shave?
Jeremy Davies will be a frieghter character
Was Locke the intended body in the Coffin?
She did drop a interesting tidbit about who was "supposedly" or planned to be in the coffin and that the producers initially planned to show the person but changed their minds because they felt it added to the mystery of the finale....the info was from her sources on the show...but who really knows if that was the writers intent.....???
Sorry guys I didn't get any pictures taken and do not know when they will air, but as soon as I know I will let you know.....All in all I had a great time and I have a completely whole new different view of Kristin...
For those of you that said Ben....nope sorry you were wrong....for those of you that felt it was Michael....nope wrong again.....those who said it is somebody we have not seen before nope wrong once again....BUT for alllll of you that said everyone's favorite hunter Locke....you are right...!!
Like I said this is from Kristin who is known to be a VERY reliable source on LOST but she also did say the writers changed their mind about showing Locke....soooo at this point who knows......maybe they will change their minds again....!!??
LOST Season 4 Teaser found at ABC Commisary in Orlando, FL
Hello everyone, You do not know me since I mostly just watch the boards and don't post much but I am a lost fan since the beginning. Last week my family and I vacationed in Disneyworld and on wednesday we traveled to Disney's MGM Studios and ate lunch at what is known as the ABC Commisary. It is a counter service restaraunt and around the building are TVs that show clips and previews of new and returning shows coming to ABC soon. I was eating lunch and the LOST preview caught me off guard. It has no new footage of course and it went like this.
" They thought they met the evil" (flashed to the others),
"They thought they had found the secret"(flashes to the Dharma stations), "They thought they won", (Flashes to beach scene in season 3 finale),
"They thought wrong!"(Shows all the guns being loaded)
"Defend the island, it's not over." Spring 2008.
Not that great but it just keeps on adding to the fact that we know that everyone teams up to now defend the island. I wish I had caught a video of it but the loop was 40 minutes and I would have to sit through the loop again and see the stupid preview of that Caveman show.
Season 4 Premiere - Saywer Centric?
Latest from Kristin
Thomas in Dallas: Any word on Lost? I can’t wait to see new episodes!
We still don’t get new eps until February (a little fact that makes me sob uncontrollably every time I hear it). However! The coolest cast around just went back to work last week in Oahu, and I’m hearing very good things about the new season! Michael is back, the Losties we love are front and center and the storylines are tighter than, well, I’d say Josh Holloway’s backside but, sheesh, I’m a married woman.
Ginny in Ipswich, Massachusetts: Will there be any cast changes this season on Lost?
Aside from the newbies we announced last week (much thanks to Korbi for that scoop!), Entertainment Weekly is now reporting that Grindhouse’s Jeff Fahey will join the island crew this year. I can also tell you that, although I had heard a while back that we’d be seeing a little less of Matthew Fox this season, so far there are no signs of any “Jack-off” days on the production schedule (sorry, I couldn’t resist, I’m 12). So, we’ll see.
Jeff Fahey Joins Cast

Thanks to Rory for the heads up. Could he be lined up to play Jacob? What do you think about Fahey joining Lost?
The new season of Lost is still over five months away (arrrrggggh!!!), but shooting on the first episode is underway, and the show's five new cast members are officially in place. Yes, we said five: Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse tell EW.com that Jeff Fahey — a cult-pop fave most famous for The Lawnmower Man and most recently seen in Grindhouse — has been added to the show, joining previously announced newcomers Jeremy Davies (Saving Private Ryan), Lance Reddick (The Wire), Ken Leung (The Sopranos), and British actress Rebecca Mader (The Devil Wears Prada, Love Monkey).
The producers wouldn't comment on the character that Fahey will be playing, but said he was the first and only choice for the role. ''The Lawnmower Man and [the 1995 TV series] The Marshall are personal faves,'' says Cuse. ''And he has the most intense eyes of any guy out there, and I say that as a non-gay man.'' Adds Lindelof: ''Fahey is one of those actors who feels like he fits into the Lost model: He's enormously talented and will be vaguely recognizable to some people, but he'll be able to land on our island without most people going, 'Oh, I know who that guy is.' And especially for the part we cast him for, he has exactly the right sensibilities.'
Lost Filming - Our First Sightings
I live in Kalihi, Hawaii. Yesterday, LOST was filming on N King Street by the Discount Store and Tamashiro Market, for those that live in Hawaii.
I was able to spot Josh Halloway (Sawyer). So I'm assuming a Sawyer flashback. OR maybe a flash-forward??
The scene involved a car being chased by two police cars, leading to the first car to jump a ramp and crash.
That's all I was able to see.
Sorry, I wasn't able to record or take pictures.
Meet Your New Lost Castmembers!

E!Online are reporting that Jeremy Davies and Rebecca Mader will be joining the Lost cast this season.Rebecca Mader
Jeremy Davies
Oh, new Lost news makes me so ridonkulously happy. We're hearing that creepmaster Jeremy Davies (Saving Private Ryan) is doing eight eps of Lost this season, and one Rebecca Mader will have a major recurring role as well...perhaps as the much discussed Charlotte? More as we hear it.
End Date? 2010
It's been reported that "Lost" will end in 2010.
Here's the breakdown of the structure for the following years:
- Spring 2008 Feb. to May – 16 consecutive repeat-free episodes
- Spring 2008 Feb. to May – 16 consecutive repeat-free episodes
- Spring 2008 Feb. to May – 16 consecutive repeat-free episodes
"...with the answer-filled season finale May 23, viewers 'will begin to get an idea of what that design will be, and it will not be at all what they expect.'"
"the last five minutes of (this month's) finale are going to seal our fate."
There are pros and cons, but overall this will end up being a good decision. If they revert to the 9:00 slot, "Lost" is set for the next three years.
Lost: The Answers
The special will be similar to Lost: Survivor Guide, a clip show that aired before the winter premiere. Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse will co-host the show, which will "recap the secrets that have been revealed, as well as those that remain unanswered."
The special will air on May 17th at 10PM ET and May 23 at 8PM ET on ABC
DVRs help out "Lost" and others
Some of TV's biggest shows ("House," "Lost") and some of its smallest ("The Office," "Friday Night Lights") are benefiting significantly from the impact of digital video recorders, according to data released Wednesday by Nielsen Media Research.
"Lost" adds 2.5 million DVR users to its 10.8 million viewers who watch it at the normal time.
EW Article
Here's an article I found about the recent decline in viewership: Click here
Should "Lost" fans be worried? No. Personally, I don't think "Lost" ever lost its quality...(Ofcourse I'd say that, I own a "Lost" blog) The change to the 10:00 timeslot may have been a bad decision, but in the this day and age, viewers have no problem adapting to it with DVRS and iTunes downloads. In reality, it all evens out, and everyone's watching "Lost" one way or another.
Catch-22 Rerun
"Catch-22" will air again on Wednesday at 9/8c before this week's new episode of "Lost".
Charlie questions whether Desmond has had another "flash" foreshadowing his death when coaxed into joining a trek across the jungle, and jealousy motivates Kate to turn to an unsuspecting Sawyer.
The Official Lost Audio Podcast April 20th, 2007
Here's the summary for the April 20th episode of the Official "Lost" Podcast:
The Official Lost Audio Podcast April 16th, 2007
Listen to the new podcast at abc.com. Here's their description:
Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse rehash "One of Us" and prehash "Catch-22" as well as some other upcoming goodies. Actor M.C. Gainey ("Tom") reveals his past connection to Carlton Cuse.
(It says that I posted this on April 14th, but I just set it back a few days so the next episode information will be first on page.)
New Google Group and Template
Check out the new template on the homepage. It's still a work in progress, but I'm surprised at how easy it was to do so far. I have just upgraded my blog so it can use the new "page elements" Blogger feature. It makes it easier for me to make quick changes to parts of the site.
Also, I plan to be more active in adding posts and updates to make the blog better.
OST Backstories
Most Recorded Television Show
More than 1.5 million people record the ABC series for later viewing on their TiVos or other digital recording devices each week, a practice known since the heyday of the VCR as time-shifting.
Fans choose to record "Lost" and watch it later to fit it into their schedule or rewatch it to refresh their memories and explore hidden clues in episodes, such as Walt's reverse speaking and a Dharma symbol on the shark that appears in "Adrift".
With DVRS and episodes available on iTunes or ABC's website, no episode will ever be missed.
Students win internships
The interns, selected from more than 40 applicants, will rotate working in the production office, art department, locations, wardrobe and the assistant director's department.
If the fans from my last post had stayed in school...
Dozens of Fans Invade Set
There have been multiple invasions of the set thus far.
Rob McElhenney gets "Lost
End Date?
The Lost Fan Blog in Time Magazine
Million Hit Lowdown
Apollo Bars on eBay
While you're at it, pick up Josh Holloway's shirt. The money from the auction goes towards relief efforts in Darfur, Children's Defense Fund, and Cure Autism Now.
Through the Looking Glass
Season Finale at 9/8c on ABC
Jack and his fellow castaways begin their efforts to make contact with Naomi's rescue ship.
1. Both this season's premiere, "A Tale of Two Cities", and the finale, "Through the Looking Glass" are book titles.
I'm not going to make any predictions or share any rumors. There'll be plenty to talk about afterwards. Enjoy the two hour finale!
Greatest Hits
Jack devises a plan to do away with "The Others" once and for all, Sayid uncovers a flaw in "The Others'" system that could lead to everyone's rescue, and Charlie's dangerous task may make Desmond's premonition come true.
1) The episode title, "Greatest Hits" refers to an album containing a band/artist's top songs, usually after a member(s) of the band or that artist dies. With Charlie being a member of the band Driveshaft, you can see the connection.
2) We already had an episode that teased us from the opening scene that Charlie would die, but he survived in the end. If he doesn't die in this episode, it will be as if we've seen it all before.
3) The "epitaph" in the episode description..."Charlie's dangerous task may make Desmond's premonition come true."
Honestly, Charlie's cool, but he might have lost our interest in his character. There's a good chance he's not coming back next season. To dodge having to give a definitive stance on this issue, I'll just say that we'll just have to wait and see...
The Man Behind the Curtain
Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob.TV-14
Tv.com has a more satisfying description:
Ben unwillingly divulges information to Locke about the island, taking him on a journey to various locations including strange monuments and the mysterious Jacob. Back at the beach, Juliet's secret is revealed. Flashbacks will show us the origins of DHARMA and the history of the island, including 'the purge'.I love the allusion in the title of this episode, likely referring plot-wise to Jacob. This isn't the first time "Lost" has given a nod to "The Wizard of Oz". If you recall, Ben called himself Henry Gale, a name he stole from a dead parachutist in the show, and a name the writers borrowed from the movie.
Also, the episode will be Ben-centric and Mikhail is supposed to have an appearance.
The Brig

Locke tries to persuade Sawyer to help rid them of a great nemesis, and the survivors learn some shocking information about Oceanic Flight 815.
I wonder what exactly was meant by Naomi's testament: ''Flight 815? The one from Sydney? That's not possible....They found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead.''
Could the Others have created some sort of decoy crash? This seems far-fetched, but with money and connections, they could have faked it or had a false news story leaked. It wouldn't be as hard to stage if "all the bodies and most of the plane were destroyed by fire."
Of course, the thrilling far-out sci-fi twist would be to have the outside world exist in a different future, one where the people on Flight 815 didn't survive...This becomes very confusing when you consider it.
Sun discovers the identity of her unborn child's father after being examined by Juliet. Meanwhile, Desmond allows an unlikely foe to help save the life of a mysterious new island inhabitant.TV Rating: TV-14
Promotional Video:
Looks like this is going to be a great episode. I'm interested to see how the "new person" affects the survivors and what she knows in regard to Penelope. Any thoughts?
Charlie questions whether Desmond has had another "flash" foreshadowing his death when coaxed into joining a trek across the jungle, and jealousy motivates Kate to turn to an unsuspecting Sawyer.Promotional Video:
TV Rating: TV-14 S, V-- For more info visit www.tvguidelines.org
If you can't wait for the upcoming episodes, you may want to pause this video clip in certain spots to get a taste for what's to come. Here are some important things I noticed in this clip:
1) A...dare I say it...long silver aircraft plummeting to the ground
2) Desmond aiming a bow and arrow
3) S.O.S.
4) Catch-22 in a foreign language
5) Juliet in a hatch
6) Someone's hand grabbing Sun's face
7) The feet of someone being hanged...possibly Charlie
8) Locke getting attacked by Sawyer
More things...but you can see for yourself.
The title "Catch-22" is a reference to the satirical historical novel Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. The story takes place during World War II and the main character is Yossarian, a soldier. From this story, the term "Catch-22" is derived:
Catch-22 n.1.
a. A situation in which a desired outcome or solution is impossible to attain because of a set of inherently illogical rules or conditions
b. The rules or conditions that create such a situation. —From TheFreeDictionary.com
"Catch-22." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. 2003. Houghton Mifflin Company 15 Apr. 2007 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Catch-22
One of Us
Episode 3:16 "One of Us" airs at 10/9c on ABC.
Jack's joyous reunion with his fellow survivors is cut short when they realize that accompanying him is one of "The Others."
This episode will be Juliet-centric with island flashbacks, and its title, "One of Us", references the season two episode called "One of Them".
Sayid: "I want to know everything."
Juliet: "If I told you everything I know, you'd kill me."
Sayid: "What you think I'll do if you don't?"
I hope Sayid can get some answers out of her. With a Juliet island flashback, this episode has the potential to answer questions. And hopefully Juliet's true motives will be revealed. Was she left behind as a mole in the Losties' camp? With Ethan dead, and Ben no longer there, maybe the Others need a new spy at the beach for some unknown purpose. And where did the Others go? Why did they just pick up their bags and gas masks and head on out? I hope the survivors decide to take over Othersville.
What was the purpose of Hurley's movement to coax Sawyer to become the "leader" if it seems that Jack will retake that position?
Left Behind
Wednesday, April 4 at 10/9c
Kate is left to fend for herself in the jungle with Juliet. Meanwhile, Hurley warns Sawyer that he faces banishment if he doesn't change his selfish ways.
The Man from Tallahassee
Ben tries to persuade a determined Locke to call off his destructive plan by offering him some of the secrets of the island, and Kate's reunion with Jack does not go off as planned when she discovers that he has made a deal with "The Others."
I think there's a few key phrases in this description:
secrets of the island - "Lost" is not very good at answering questions...but we shall see.
a deal with "The Others." - Hmmmm...this sounds interesting. I think the question on everyone's mind last week when they saw Jack playing football with Tom was "Whaaaaaaaaat?".
Hopefully, we'll see a better Locke, who was starting to lose his status as one of my favorite characters. Also, the previews at the end of last week's episode hinted that we would learn why Locke was in a wheelchair. But, you should never trust the previews to be right.
But if you'd like to see them anyway, here you go:
1. Preview #1
2. Preview #2 Looks like Jack will be playing piano again, very cool.
Enter 77

Tonight's episode (which airs at 10/9c on ABC) is titled "Enter 77". The official ABC summary is as follows:
Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious inhabitant.
I prefer TV.com's a tad more however:
On their mission to rescue Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Locke stumble upon a mysterious structure surrounded by farm animals and meet its strange inhabitant. Back at the camp, in order to reclaim his belongings, Sawyer plays in a a ping-pong competition.
Look out for the French Lady again as well as that guy with the eyepatch.
It's Sayid-centric.
Tricia Tanaka Is Dead
Tonight at 10/9 c on ABC:
Hurley discovers a wrecked car on the island and uses it on a mission of hope.
Stranger in a Strange Land
Tomorrow at 10/9c
A power play ensues between Jack and "The Others" as Juliet's future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Kate, Sawyer and Karl continue on their journey away from "Alcatraz."ABC's Lost
I Do
The "fall finale" is approaching. I Do airs at 9/8c on ABC:
Jack makes a decision about Ben's offer, and Kate fears that Pickett may make good on his threat to kill Sawyer. Jack makes a decision about Ben's offer, and Kate fears that Pickett may make good on his threat to kill Sawyer.
The Cost of Living
Don't miss The Cost of Living, which airs tonight at 9:00 PM ET.
Every Man for Himself
Every Man for Himself airs at 9:00 PM ET on ABC.
Sawyer finds out how serious his captors are in making sure he and Kate don't attempt to escape.
The Glass Ballerina
Here's the official episode summary of tomorrow's episode:
Sayid places Sun and Jin's lives in danger while trying to locate Jack, while Jack gets a tempting offer from his captors.
Click here for a preview showing Sawyer, Kate and an Other. ABC calls it "A Shocking Situation" and you'll see why.
The Long Con
Here's everything you need to know about tonight's episode:
Title: The Long Con
Airdate: February 8th, (tonight, as i said before...)
Time: 9:00/8:00c
Writer: Steve Maeda, Leonard Dick
Director: Roxann Dawson
Official Summary: Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt.
Guest stars: Kevin Dunn as Gordy, Beth Broderick as Diane, KM Dickens as Cassidy, Finn Armstrong as Arthur and Richard Cavanna as Peter.
Photo Gallery: AOL Lost-Media
Video Clips: AOL
1) This Sawyer-centric episode will feature a significant plot twist between Kate and Sawyer.
2) Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.
3) New characters are Gordy, Diane, Cassidy, Arthur and Peter. Roles are played by Kevin Dunn, Beth Broderick, Kim Dickens, Finn Armstrong and Richard Cavanna.
4) Look for Deadwood's Kim Dickens to play another woman from the con man's past.
5) Jolene Blalock of Enterprise will end up doing that episode of Lost she was supposed to. She was supposed to guest star in the second episode of the season, titled "Adrift," the raftee episode that was supposed to be Sawyer's backstory. But as you may remember, the episode was swapped for a Michael flashback. Jolene will appear as a woman from Sawyer's past.
Claire and Jack
How do the Others leave the island?
1. The Others have food and it must be replenished. In Ben's refrigerator, this food has the DHARMA label.
2. The Swan was associated with a food drop and at one point, the survivors found a food drop. There was also food in the hatch itself.
3. In "One of Us", Ben has Richard Alpert show Juliet's sister on a television screen in the Flame Hatch. Richard must have gone there very quickly and he is told to return as soon as possible. However, when Ben speaks to Alpert, his reply cannot be heard.
4. Juliet was drugged before being taken to the island. She wakes up in a submarine.
5. Juliet and Jack are told they can leave the island if they comply with the Others, and they will leave via the submarine.
6. Ben says that his people are free to leave the island but they always stay. The submarine gives them the choice. Ben says its destruction could cause problems for him.
7. Aircraft have crashed on the island (Oceanic Flight 815, which crashed thanks to Desmond, Beechcraft, Henry Gale's balloon).
These are just a few things that should be considered. Please tell me if something isn't accurate.
My theory:
The submarine is a decoy like the beards, the "station" that Sayid and co. found, etc. Ben uses it so the Others will believe that they can leave the island. Perhaps, it actually transports people to nearby island, where planes can come and go. By drugging Juliet, she misses this part of the trip and is led to believe that the submarine goes the entire length to and from the island. Also, the Others receive food via a DHARMA food drop of some sort. Alpert and Ethan would use the submarine to go to a nearby island to go on a plane. This is how they could transport supplies and bring people.
What happens next...
WARNING: This is the final revelation of The Lost Experience. There is a possibility of clues and spoilers. Therefore, watch with caution, but the video won't ruin the show for you.
The Lost Experience is over
Finally, The Lost Experience has paid off. The video below may reveal clues and spoilers about "Lost", so I am warning you before you watch this. I have no doubt, however, that at least the important parts in the film will be revealed/shown on "Lost", probably early season three. Although slightly spoilerish, I don't believe this will ruin your viewing experience.
It's a little confusing, cryptic, surprising, weird, and it will leave you thinking. I think I'm gonna have to watch it again.
Apollo Candy Bars
Yet another dimension is added to the television game that has extended to the internet, commercials, and your telephone. Apollocandy.com gives you information about the candy bar seen in the hatch, as I have mentioned before. There's more, however. You can actually obtain a free bar and eat it!
On certain dates, starting today, you can get a free candy bar in various cities throughout the U.S.A. and the U.K. Go to the site for more information.
I would assume the candy bar might hold some sort of clue. (So don't eat it right away, it could be part of the candy itself!)
If anyone has any pictures of the candy, please email me a link or post a link in the comments.
1. The giant candy bar that appears after clicking Apollo has text engraved in the chocolate. (wikipedia image of pieces put together)) This text is recognized to read whereisalvar.com. So far no one has been able to enter the site.
2. Expiration date: Oct 23, 06: 23 is one of the numbers.
3. Television broadcast ad
4. Clicking on "The Company" reveals some text and a balloon.
5. There is an inconsistancy where the bar is said to contain milk chocolate and, in another part of the site, dark chocolate.
The Lost Experience explains DHARMA
Department of
Research on
Seriously, this is wierdly cool.
Sign up for the newsletter. Then type "hello". You'll know when.
Addendum 2
The 105-year-old orangutan is called "Joop", the experimental subject #626. 626 was the scientific number for the Disney character Stitch.
Addendum 3
Go back to the newsletter feature. Type your name. Enter. Type hello. Type yes. Type breakingstrain.
Keep searching. Apparently, it's all part of "The Lost Experience": an interactive way to delve into the secrets of "Lost" and use clues to solve parts of the show.
Gary Troup
Bad Twin, (shown left), is a tie-in book that will be released by ABC under the name of the fictional writer Gary Troup. The book will delve secretively into the mysteries of Lost and give readers of the book an edge in "solving" the plot. Clever commentors Tiffany and cstobinski have uncovered a clue regarding the book already. The author, Gary Troup, is an anagram for "Purgatory"!
More updates on this book will be made at the date of its release.
The Bad Twin
From Variety.com:
Can you have product-placement for a product that doesn't exist? ABC thinks so. In an eerie synergy, scribes for ABC's "Lost" will soon be writing a subplot about a character named Gary Troup who didn't survive the crash but left behind a manuscript he was working on....
From Chud.com:
Lost obviously has a large fanbase, filled with fairly loyal people. How do you sell things to these people? One way is to offer odd and unique tie in books – like a novel written by one of the passengers on Oceanic 815.
Except that the guy died. Sometime next year the unfinished manuscript by passenger Gary Troup (quick – to the name dictionary and the anagram decoder!) will figure into a plotline. Here in the real world the concept will be that Troup delivered this unfinished manuscript to Hyperion Publishing and a “well known mystery writer” was called in to finish it off (I imagine the as-yet unnamed writer is the person penning the whole thing).
What’s the name of the book? Hold on to your hats, Losties – it’s called The Bad Twin. It’s about a wealthy heir who hires a PI to find his nasty brother. Twins have been something Lost fans have been thinking a lot about lately, thanks to cryptic clues by the showrunners. Looks like this is yet another cryptic clue.
What people are thinking...
What's next, a Driveshaft album?
What I am thinking...
We'll have to wait and see if this rumor holds true. If anyone has any anagrams for Gary Troup, feel free to post them.
"I am not alone"
Any thoughts on this?
Biblical Names
1. Benjamin Linus - Benjamin is the youngest son of Jacob in the Bible
2. Aaron Littleton (Claire's baby) - Aaron is the brother of Moses
3. Jack/Christian Shepherd - Jacob is a shepherd in the bible, (among other prominent characters). Also, Christian could be a reference to Christianity.
4. Isaac of Uluru (healer from flashback in season 2)- Isaac is the son of Abraham and the father of Jacob.
5. Dave (Hurley's imaginary friend) - King David
6. "Adam and Eve" (skeletal remains found in season that are given this nickname) - Adam and Eve are the first man and woman created by God in the Bible.
7. Rachel Burke (Juliet's sister) - Rachel is Jacob's wife.
8. Rachel Blake (daughter of Alvar Hanso, protagonist of The Lost Experience) - idem.
With this in mind, maybe the true identity of Jacob can be revealed through a Biblical clue:
1) Jacob is Isaac of Uluru or his son.
2) Jacob is Rachel Burke's husband.
3) Jacob is Christian Shepherd.
4) Jacob is Ben's father.
1) In the Bible, Jacob's wife Rachel, died while giving birth to Benjamin. — Women who have become pregnant on the island have died.
Russian Translations
The translations are now available. Here's the Klugh-Mikhail conversation:
Klugh: Mikhail. Mikhail! You know what to do.
Mikhail: We still have another way [out].
Klugh: We cannot risk. You know the conditions.
Mikhail: There is another way.
Klugh: They captured us. We will not give (or let, or betray) [unintelligible].
Klugh: You know what to do. It is an order.
Mikhail: We still have another way!
Klugh (in English): Just do it, Mikhail.
Mikhail: Forgive me. (shoots) (source)
And the paper from the Flame:
... in some measure pushed Andrey Red note #1 away. Nadji was not
... Afghan resistance, however he was an excellent
... He was a second cousin of an influential
... who controlled of one of the northwestern
...tactical specialist helping
... Mujahideen* used against...
... of courage Nadji compensated with his wits...
... of a fundamentalist. Just like all the radicals of that time, Nadji...
... at his madrasah** believed that they are holding back the West and...
were paving the way for Allah, so that he could erase the infidels from the face of the Earth, at the
time that Andrey believed that the fall of Afghanistan will become an impulse for
a new social revolution Red note #2
... "The Pakistanis arrived today", Nadji reported with a strong accent
in grandiloquent Russian.
... We knew that the ISI*** would be involved. And you...
... report this?" Andrey knew that he...
... "I thought that you...
Red Handwritten Note #1: My name is also Andrey.
Red Handwritten Note #2: I have forgotten so much about Afghanistan.
BTW, those asterisks direct here:
*Mujahideen is a term referring to Muslim jihadists (fighters). Afghani mujahideen are among the most well-known.
**Madrasah is a Muslim term for school.
***ISI is an acronym for the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence.
4 8 15 16 23 42 expanded
- # of years Locke was in his wheelchair
- # of guns in Marshall's case
- # of aces on Boone's t-shirt
- # of years since Hurley's grandfather got his pacemaker
- # of years since Sam Toome killed himself
- # of years since Sawyer made his “birthday wish”
- # of people that will fit on Micheals raft
- # of months michealangelo stared at marble “working” in Locke’s story/Boone then asks if they’re going to stare at the hatch for 4 months
- # of miles due west back to camp from where Locke ties up Boone
- # of people Micheal needed to help did Jack out of the cave-in
- # of refills of Shannons inhaler Boone brought with him
- # of people to die since the plane crash(the sky marshall, Scott, the lady that drowned, Ethan)
- # of days that pass before Jack decides to burn the fuselage/bodies for a signal
- # of kids the nurse taking care of Micheal has
- # of traps Locke sets up around camp to get Ethan
- # of times Hurley says Charlie shot Ethan(He actually was shot 6 times)
- # of months the Psychic tried to convince Claire to raise her baby alone before giving her money and telling her of the couple in LA
- # of planes on Claires baby mobile in her dream
- # of weeks ago John wouldn’t have believed his crazy talk
- # of dice(dotted) in a back gammon game
- Shannon asks Boone what him and Locke have been doing in the jungle for the past 4 days
- Sayid said the French signal could be a SAT 4
- Leonard playing the game Connect Four
- Walt says he needs a 4-3 in the backgammon game
- # of months Claire was pregnant when they crashed
- # of Km the hitman tells Jin to drive
- # of people that die in Hurley's shoe factory fire
- # of whiskey shots between Sawyer and Christian Shepherd
- # of hours Kate would spend in the woods with her father tracking deer
- # of years since Micheal got hit by car
- # of years Micheals been writing Walt
- # of months Locke and Helen have been talking
- # of days since Charlie went with out his guitar
- # of weeks driveshaft was going to tour
- # of days after the crash Jack/other survivors moved to the caves
- # of years Micheal worked in construction
- # of months since farmers wife died
- # of years since Kate was arrested(based on mug shot info)
- Sawyers age when his Dad killed himself and his wife(sawyer may have been 9)
- Shannon's age when her Dad married Boones Mom
- news station at Hurley’s Lotto interview
- Walt born in August
- Aisle the regulation footballs are in at the toy store locke works at
- # of members on Danielle's research team
- # on whiskey bottle that Sawyer and Christian drink from
- # of hours Boone flew to rescue his sister
- # of kilometers to nearest town from aussie farm
- aisle the nerf footballs are in at the toy store locke works at
- # of years Danielle’s distress has been looping
- # of weeks since someone won the lottery before Hurley
- # of years since Sam and Lenny heard the numbers
- # of hours Jack told the lady at the airport desk he had to land in LAX to bury his father/# of hours of flight
- # of red dots in the Oceanic Logo
- Jack, Kate, and Charlie found the pilot 16 hours after the crash
- Age of patient of Jacks first solo procedure
- On numerical die in backgammon game, firs time played
- On “dotted” die in same game numbers were 4, 2, 6, 4, which when added = 16
- Jack's seat number was 23A
- The reward for turning Kate in is $23,000
- # of spaces on a game of Connect Four board
- # of days late Claires period was when she found out she was preggers
* 815 *
- Flight #815
- Safety deposit box that Kate wanted
- Copier Charlie sold was model #C-815
- Locke tells his mom the footballs are in aisles 8 and 15
* Major Multiples *
- Plane hit turbulence at 40,000 ft
- Charlie jokes about Locke bringing 400 knives
- The guy with the beans was running that scam for 40 years
- “Adam and Eve” have been in the caves for 40 years
- Sawyer got $160,000 from the girls husband as part of the scam
* Combos *
- Driveshaft is #234 on the jukebox. 23 and 4
- 48 survivors. 4 and 8
Distress Signal Translation
"HE is outside ! And Brennan had put the keys. Please help us. Please help us. HE is outside. Please help us. They are dead. They are all dead. They are dead. HE killed them. HE killed all them. If anyone hear this, I will try to go until the black rock."
The Official Lost Audio Podcast May 11th, 2007
The Official Lost Audio Podcast April 30th, 2007
Check out the new Official Lost podcast!
The Official Lost Audio Podcast April 20th, 2007
Here's the summary for the April 20th episode of the Official "Lost" Podcast:
The Official Lost Audio Podcast April 16th, 2007
Listen to the new podcast at abc.com. Here's their description:
Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse rehash "One of Us" and prehash "Catch-22" as well as some other upcoming goodies. Actor M.C. Gainey ("Tom") reveals his past connection to Carlton Cuse.
(It says that I posted this on April 14th, but I just set it back a few days so the next episode information will be first on page.)
Perrineau's Lost Air Time
Rob McElhenney gets Lost
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Born and raised in London, England, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje began his career as a model in Milan before moving to Los Angeles to make the transition to acting. Fluent in several languages, including English, Italian, Yoruba and Swahili, he is best known for his roles in the movies Congo (1995)... Read more
Adewale's character name is uncertain at this time.
Shannon as an X-man?
"It's about to go," Avi says about the film. We asked whether it would build on the first two films. "In my opinion, X3, from a story and script perspective, it's bigger than one and two. It's the concept behind the movie that's bigger than one and two. It's building on our world, building on the world of mutants. In movie one you got to know what a mutant is and had to deal with it visavis humanity and the brotherhood. The second one was actually sort of a continuation but we were able to have more fun with it."
Which brings us to the big news. "And movie three features Angel, Beast, Kitty Pryde and Juggernaut. Right there you have worth the price of admission. And there are more, those are just the ones we can talk about. Juggernaut you had it already on your site, that is [Vinnie] Jones. That was accurate. Angel is not done yet, we're looking at a few guys, but it's a big role, so... we are very close, a few more days. Angel is a great emotional story. It's a very big role in this movie and so is Kitty Pryde, where we have some high choices that are great but it's just not locked up yet." Lost star Maggie Grace is in talks for the role
Holloway will return
And he told us something most lost fans didn't notice. There were twins on the boat of Others.
The Lost Personality Quiz
Bored? Like quizzes? Check out The Lost Personality Quiz and find out which "Lost" character you identify with.
Lost: The RPG
The game will take place over a period of virtual weeks and will combine action/adventure and RPG elements. The storyline will be set on the same island as the TV show but will have a few surprises which may answer some of the questions from the first season.
"Lost" Games II: Lostopoly
The design is awesome and very smooth. (minus copyright infringement on the logo and a spelling mistake: beachcraft->beechcraft, If the creator reads this, take this as my short criticism.)
There is word that a flash version may be developed or that it may even be sold to the public. Check it out here.
"Lost: The Board Game"
Remember LOSToply?
Although work on that project seems to have ended a while ago, "Lost" will still be available in board game form.
Lost: The Board Game is appearing in stores like Walmart and Target, as well as their online counterparts.
Here are some links you can check out for more info on this game:
I haven't had a chance to try out this game yet, but I think I'd have to wait for the Deluxe Edition:
The deluxe edition comes in a replica silver Zero Halliburton briefcase (similar to the one that Kate and Sawyer found while swimming near the waterfall) emblazoned with the Lost logo. It's not yet clear where the deluxe edition will be sold.source
Ofcourse there's also a regular version that comes inside a tin case.
Lostpedia's Chat Trivia Game
"Lost", the Video Game
Only a few months ago, Ubisoft signed the license to create games based off the popular Lost television series.The title hasn't been announced yet and it's due out in 2008. I hope they can pull off something cool, instead of adhering to the usually mediocre quality of movie/tv show-based video games
For months, hardly any new info on this upcoming franchise was available till now. LOST producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed that Ubisoft Montreal is indeed working on X360, PS3 and PC versions of the game.
1) Deja vu on the Ethan thing.
2) He's a tail-section guy.
3) He's a rest-of-the-plane nobody.
Also, Emeka is a nickname of the Ibo name Chukwuemeka which means "God has done great"
Mr. Eko
During episode "Abandoned", Ana told Mr. Eko something along the lines of "I liked it better when you didn't speak". Is it possible that Mr. Eko was at one time mute? Or is Ana just pulling a smart one like she always does because Eko had been quiet lately?
Perhaps Mr. Eko had gone through a similar phase to that of John Locke. Locke regained the ability to walk, Eko regained the ability to speak.
Mr. Eko's name had gone through changes during the time before he aired on the show. First, he was rumored to be Emeka, then it was said that they would never reveal the name, and finally it was known that he was Mr. Eko.