30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe

The Brig

Locke tries to persuade Sawyer to help rid them of a great nemesis, and the survivors learn some shocking information about Oceanic Flight 815.

I wonder what exactly was meant by Naomi's testament: ''Flight 815? The one from Sydney? That's not possible....They found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead.''

Could the Others have created some sort of decoy crash? This seems far-fetched, but with money and connections, they could have faked it or had a false news story leaked. It wouldn't be as hard to stage if "all the bodies and most of the plane were destroyed by fire."

Of course, the thrilling far-out sci-fi twist would be to have the outside world exist in a different future, one where the people on Flight 815 didn't survive...This becomes very confusing when you consider it.

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